Community-based residential and day programs have been essential in ensuring people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities their rightful place in society. The Arc New York continues to support closure of all Developmental Centers and the development of appropriate community-based services to accomplish that goal.
Individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities living in Developmental Centers can be fully integrated into community settings with appropriate training and support.
It is The Arc New York’s position that:
- Developmental Center closure efforts must continue to move forward;
- Developmental Center closures must be in accordance with principles pertaining to person-centered placement;
- Downsizing must continue as responsibly and appropriate as possible;
- Providers must be guaranteed the financial resources to provide the proper training, and supports for individuals to successfully transition in to community settings;
- Closure plans must ensure that appropriate supports are developed for persons with special needs;
- Developmental Centers must never again become an accepted way of life.